Welcome to the interactive model where you can investigate and compare different projections of the pediatric subspecialty workforce.
The projections are available at the U.S. Census Division and Region level.
To get started, select the options you are interested in and click Show. You can display multiple lines simultaneously to compare subspecialties - just change your options and select Show again. To remove a line, click the X button to the left of the parameter table.
The area around each projection line represents the confidence interval. The interval will be larger for smaller subspecialist populations and for projections further in the future.
The Help page has tutorials about how to use the visualization. The Methods page has more information about how the projections were made.
To cite, please include the following:
The Program on Health Workforce Research and Policy at the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the American Board of Pediatrics Foundation. Projecting the future US pediatric subspecialty workforce: A workforce microsimulation model, 2020-2040. Updated February 2023. https://www.pedsubspecforecast.unc.edu/model. Accessed on: January 18, 2025